62nd Connecticut Morgan Open Horse Show
June 7-10, 2023
For over six decades, the Connecticut Morgan Horse Association has been "home to horse that thrill" both in and out of the show ring. We are so excited to welcome back our exhibitors, trainers, and fans to this year's edition of the Connecticut Open Morgan Horse Show scheduled for June 7 - 10, 2023, at the Eastern States Exposition. This year's competition will celebrate the induction of two Connecticut Morgan legends into the Hall of Fame; Bill Parker and Bri-B Crystal Piece.
We are excited to continue to offer our first-class hospitality, which includes: daily complimentary coffee and breakfast, complimentary move-in meal, daily complimentary stable gifts, and parties after each evening session. In addition, new this year is "premium in-box seat dining." For an additional fee, snacks, meals, and bar service will be delivered to each box seat for the evening session; stay tuned for more information about how to order.
Part of our core mission is to "promote the Morgan breed, preserve its history, and market its versatility," this made the decision to welcome back our carriage competitors after nearly half a decade an easy one. As a result, 2023 drivers will be invited to compete in the carriage field and the marquee ring this season, highlighting the diversity of the Morgan horse.
As we count down the months, days, hours, and minutes until this year's show, we invite everyone to "imagine the possible" with us!